Sunday, July 8, 2012

The New Hope

Almost exactly 4 years since the last entry, I went for a class in my new school, one mentioned previously: Fudo Myou Dojo. I am not entirely clear how Yamaneko comes into the picture: is this a parent school? Anyway, it is a Bujinkan school.

The class itself it was quite a disaster. For the warm-up, the heart rate goes up and blood vessels expand, but as we move on, the rate collapses, and so does the blood pressure. If I keep standing, it ends in blackout. So, I spent most of the class laying on the ground, where sensei placed me.

What to do? Training, I suppose. I know from experience that typicall conditioning helps very little, because it focuses on handling the exertion. But my problem is what happens thereafter. But perhaps something may be found.

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