Saturday, June 23, 2007

Class 2007/06/23 (Sat)

I went for the Saturday class (at 10:30) today. It's fabulous, almost like getting a private lesson. Only 3 students attended: Carter (blue-black about 17 year old), Bobby (a white about 12 year old -- but how did he get into the adult class?), and myself.

Conditioning: 30 push-ups (I did 25 while others ended -- still lagging) crunches, frog jumps, running in place (hurts my broken knee a bit). I am having hard time completing the crunch set (30 count). Muscles do not hurt outright like after frog jumps, but do not work either.

Curriculum: lapel grab counters, first barehanded, then with a stick. Ninjutsu stick is about 80cm long, which is longer than the escrima stick to which I'm used.

After the class, I asked (complained actually) that it's hard for me to be mentally flexible, but this school places a lot of emphasis on mental flexibility. Mr. Young gave me some special excercises to do over the weekend. It goes like this:

  1. Start in ichimonji (standard, right hand back)
    Keep the stance low
  2. Swing right up, extending, over the top, then behind (well, as much as it goes), down and palm forward in front, like a pendilum. The move aims for the three-finger strike under the chin.
  3. In the same time, step forward. Left hand comes into ichimonji.
  4. Repeat everything on the other side.

As I understand it, the trick is to perform all movements simultaneously. The practitioner has to a) keep the stance low, b) excute the step, c) form the 3-finger hand position correctly, d) swing big circle. This makes the brain to contol a lot of motion and excercises it.

Adding to it, I have to keep myself from tensing up.

We'll see on Monday what the result is going to be.

P.S. Tried 構え(かまえ)の方 before class, and I barely can remember it. Weak sauce.

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